Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Couple Of Beers, A Casino El Camino Burger and A Tattoo. Just Another Tuesday Night On 6th Street.

I had no intention of getting some ink the other night while out on the town with LP, but after she got the itch to get one and then "actually" got it I knew I had to go next. We both had been talking about it for a few weeks so it wasn't like we just did it with no thought beforehand. We decided to fore go our ideas for both of our first tats and settled on two that symbolized our love for one another. She got two hearts that were part of our wedding decor and I settled on this.Now I am sure you are wondering what does "I Will..." mean. Well first off, it is the name of the song we had our first dance to at our wedding. The song is a Beatles' song off of the White Album. A simple, short but very loving song we both agreed on. Anyone who knows me knows I love Beatles' music. When Laura and I started dating their music was something we shared. I even took her to see Paul McCartney in concert and since then she has been a fan. So that is the main meaning of it. Although I did talk to a friend and I discovered it can have even more meaning in it's subtleness. By adding the ellipsis on the end it can signify a pause in speech thus concluding with anything I want it to be. For me it has a positive sound to it, as opposed to saying "I Won't" which seems to symbolize limitations or parameters. "I Will...finish a 10 mile run today with no breaks." "I the kind-hearted man my parents raised me to be." "I Will be the best husband I can be!" Personally, I think this is a great first tat for me. Up next, I'm designing my Lakers themed one to go on the inside of my right bicep. It's gonna be tight!!

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