Well Abe say, "Where do you want this killin' done?" God says, "Out on Highway 61" 
Well it seems like over the last few months I have had one particular person on my mind. First I named our new puppy after him and now my second tat is my homage to his music and the profound impact it has had on me. Hopefully that makes up for missing his last show here in Central Texas, which I heard was damn good! Sorry Bob...Robert Zimmerman turned 70 earlier this year and at that ripe old age, continues to trek around the world dazzling crowds young and old, on a nightly basis. Yes, I am speaking of none other than the legend himself...Mr. Bob Dylan. For many years as I started to discover really good music (high school through my early 20's) I had always heard of Dylan and his greatness and was familiar with a handful of his more iconic tunes, but I had never really taken the time to dive into his catalog of music or learn his story. I had done it with many artists, starting my musical journey with the Beatles and many others. As I read stories on just about everyone in music history, I started to see one constant presence that had an impact on just about everyone in one way or another. That was Dylan. So in the spring of 2001 after asking myself again "why" I had not taken the time to learn about ALL of his music and his story, I decided to do it. I scooped up every bit of music I could get my hands on and every piece of literature that was available and basically went to the school of Dylan for the next 18 months. What I discovered was some of the most thought inspiring material from any musical artist in the history of music. I don't have to sit here and tell you about the depth and complexity of his words or his always evolving persona that continues to mystify his fans and critics alike. I don't have to tell you that there may not be one single musical writer of the 20th and 21st century who doesn't feel he/she owes a debt of gratitude to Dylan. No, for most of you who know even just a little about popular music I am quite sure you have heard his name at some point. So as I started to think about my second tattoo I knew I wanted to do something to honor him and show what his music means to me. I have felt especially close to his music and even more so his story. I mean our birthdays are back-to-back (May 24 & 25) so maybe it's something cosmic that connects us...who knows? With so many wonderful lyrics I figured I would go that route for the design. I instead decided on the Hwy. 61 sign/logo in honor of Dylan's
magnum opus, 1965's 'Highway 61 Revisited'. It is my favorite album of all his releases. Containing the classics
Like A Rolling Stone, Ballad Of A Thin Man, Queen Jane Approximately, Highway 61 Revisited and the 11-minute "epic of entropy"
Desolation Row. Ranking #4 on Rolling Stone's Top 500 Albums of All Time, the album also contained songs #1, # 185 and #364 on the RS Top 500 Songs of All Time. It is no doubt Dylan fans and music lovers will understand the symbolism of the tat when they see it. So there you have it, tattoo #2 is done. Every time I look at it, I know it will make me smile...just as Dylan's lyrics have for the last decade. Thank ya Bob!